Department of Sanskrit
- About the Department
- Vision & Mission
- Goals & Objectives
- Programmes Offered
- Faculty
- Retired Faculty
- Department Library
- Syllabus
- Sessional Question Papers
- End Semester Question Papers
- Result
- Club
- Seminars / Workshops
- Placement & Job Opportunities
- MoU Signed
- Best Practices & Innovative Practices
- Cosultancy Services
- Future Plans of the Department
- Gallery
About the Department
“Sanskrit is majestic, sweet and sublime to hear” said by Swami Chidbhavananda in his book “Indian National Education”. Following the dictum of our founder swami Chidbhavananda, Department of Sanskrit was started in this college during the year 1977-78. Sanskrit as an alternative language was introduced under Part –I for I & II year degree classes from 1977-78 on wards. Imparting the knowledge of Sanskrit to computer science students and also how Sanskrit studies help them in programming level is also taught from 1994-95 on wards. This is an additional feature of this department.
✔ To inculcate the ancient Indian tradition and culture through the process of understanding and learning the classical language -Sanskrit.
✔ To develop the skill of understanding the Sanskrit language right from the beginning and in due course to unravel the secrets of ancient Indian wisdom by understanding the literature which are almost written in Sanskrit Language.
✔ To impart Sanskrit to the students those who didn’t read Sanskrit at school level.
✔ To Familiarize Sanskrit (DevanāgarῙ) script.
✔ To teach the certain aspects of history of early Sanskrit Literature.
✔ To develop the culture and traditional values of human life through two ancient works Rāmāyaṅa and Mahābhārata.
✔ To Channelize students’ attitude and behavior towards moral and ethical way of life by teaching Vedas and Upanisads.
✔ To encourage student’s creativity through teaching poetical compositions.
✔ To develop communicative skill through Sanskrit Language.
UG – Part – I – Sanskrit
1. I & II year B.A./ B.Sc.
NME (Non Major Elective) for I. B.Sc. Computer Science
Faculty |
Retired Faculty |
S.No | Name | Photo | Designation | Profile |
1 | Dr. S. Sridhar Swaminathan |
![]() |
Assistant Professor & Head | ![]() |
Retired Faculty
S.No | Name | Designation Date of Joining & Date of Retirement |
Mobile Number |
1 | Prof. Anantharaman C.R. | Head & Associate Professor (Rtd).
1977 – 2014 |
9344101123 |
Department Library
The Department of Sanskrit has a library with rich collections of text books and reference books to support the educational need of students and faculty members. Prof. C.R. Anantharaman, Head and Associate Professor of Sanskrit (Rtd.) of the college has donated books on various topics, starting from vedic literature to modern Sanskrit literature. Personal collection of Dr. Sridhar Swaminathan, Head and Assistant professor of Sanskrit on various topics are also in the department library. Every year a good number of books are added in the stock. Efforts are made to update the library and make it more users friendly.
The collection in the library includes books on Vedas, Āgamas, Itihāsa, Purāṇa, Vedāṅga, Darśana (Vaidika and avaidika), Kāvya, Nāṭaka, Alaṅkāra and other fields of Sanskrit. Collections on western philosophy are also available.
Students are permitted to sit in the library and work/refer during working hours and allowed to bring to the hostel with the permission of entry.
Library Book Details
S.No | Book Title |
No.of Books |
1 | Veda | 50 |
2 | Āgama (Śaiva) | 300 |
3 | Vedāṅga (Śikṣā, Chandas, Nirukta, Kalpa) | 20 |
4 | Vedāṅga (Vyākaraṇam) | 35 |
5 | Vedāṅga (Jyotiṣa) | 150 |
6 | Darśana (Sāṅkhya and Yoga) | 10 |
7 | Darśana (Nyāya and Vaiśeṣika) | 10 |
8 | Darśana (Pūrvamīmāṃsa) | 10 |
9 | Darśana (Advaita) | 350 |
10 | Darśana (Viśiṣṭādvaita) | 25 |
11 | Darśana (Dvaita) | 10 |
12 | Kāvya | 150 |
13 | Nāṭaka | 122 |
14 | Alaṅkāra | 50 |
16 | Avaidika darśana | 10 |
17 | Works of Swami Vivekananda and Swami Cidbhavananda | 150 |
18 | Doctoral dissertations | 19 |
19 | Miscellaneous | 200 |
Total | 1681 |
Please click on the below links to view the Previous Year CIA Question Papers of UG
Academic Year | Odd Semester |
Even Semester |
2021 – 2022 | CIA Examinations II | CIA Examinations I
CIA Examinations II CIA Examinations III |
Please click on the below links to view the Previous Year Question Papers
Results of End Semester Examinations (Odd Semester) of Sanskrit.
Academic Year | Subject Code | No. students Appeared | No. students Passed | Percentage of Pass |
Nov 2017-18 | P1LS11
LSNE11 P1LS31 |
35 46 |
34 46 |
100 % 97.14 % 100 % |
Nov 2018-19 | P1LS11
LSNE11 P1LS31 |
42 50 |
42 50 |
92.16 % 100 % 100 % |
Nov 2019-20 | P1LS11
LSNE11 P1LS31 |
25 42 |
25 39 |
84.05 % 100 % 93 % |
Nov 2020-21 | P1LS11
LSNE11 P1LS31 |
28 64 |
28 64 |
100 % 100 % 100 % |
Nov 2021-22 | P1LS11
LSNE11 P1LS31 |
7 31 |
7 31 |
100 % 100 % 100 % |
Results of End Semester Examinations (Even Semester) of Sanskrit.
Academic Year | Subject Code | No. students Appeared | No. students Passed | Percentage of Pass |
April 2017-18 | P1LS21
LSNE21 P1LS41 |
35 46 |
35 46 |
100 % 100 % 100 % |
April 2018-19 | P1LS21
LSNE21 P1LS41 |
42 50 |
42 50 |
83.67 % 100 % 100 % |
Nov 2019-20 | P1LS21
LSNE21 P1LS41 |
35 42 |
35 42 |
100 % 100 % 100 % |
April 2020-21 | P1LS21
LSNE21 P1LS41 |
28 64 |
27 64 |
100 % 98.63 % 100 % |
April 2021-22 | P1LS21
LSNE21 P1LS41 |
7 31 |
7 31 |
100 %
100 % 100 % |
April 2021-22 | P1LS21
LSNE21 P1LS41 |
7 31 |
7 31 |
100 %
100 % 100 % |
Vivekananda Sanskrit drama club is engaged in enhancing the acting skills of the students. All the part one Sanskrit students are members of the club and they are encouraged to enhance their dramatic skills. As a result of this interested students actively take part in the drama staged during the “Vivekananda Jayanti Celebrations” celebrated in the college.
Job Opportunities
✔ Sanskrit is offered as Part –I for the First and Second year Under Graduate Students. Hence, they will have basic skill of writing, reading and speaking the ancient Indian classical language.
✔ Students who completed the UG. programme with Part –I Sanskrit are eligible to join in M.A. Sanskrit in colleges and universities, through which one can become a researcher or teacher.
Best Practices
✔ Training students to recite prayer songs and other devotional songs in a proper manner.
✔ Articulation and idea fixation classes (AIF).
✔ Interpretation of Daily Divine Digest at Prayer hall after evening prayer.
✔ Coordinating and conducting congregational prayer at Edakanathar Temple at Tiruvdeakam
During Jayanti celebrations.
✔Enacting dramas during Jayanti festival of our college.
Innovation Practices
✔ Imparting how Sanskrit is very useful to computer science students by way of introducing a paper called “Panini, Computer Language and Spoken Sanskrit.
Future plans of the Department
✔ To digitize the rare collections in the Department and provide them to the researchers at a nominal cost.
✔ To conduct spoken Sanskrit class and Bhagavadgita class.
✔ To conduct webinars and workshops on Sanskrit Saivasiddhanta texts.
✔ To conduct awareness programme on Indian Knowledge Systems.
✔ To conduct more funded National / International Conferences / Seminars/Workshops to unearth the hidden treasures in Sanskrit.
✔ Guest Lecture Programme on Yoga – The Spiritual Heritage of India – Click Here
✔ Inter-Department Programme on Scientific wisdom in Sanskrit Literature – Click Here