College Library
- About the Department
- Vision & Mission
- Goals & Objectives
- Infrastructure
- Course Offered
- Faculty
- Retired Faculty
- Research
- Department Library
- Syllabus
- Rules & Regulations
- End Semester Question Papers
- Result
- Seminars / Workshops
- Extension Activities
- Membership
- MoU Signed
- Innovative Practices & Best Practices
- E-Resources
- Consultancy Services
- Future Plans
- Gallery
About the Department
The college Central Library was established in 1973 with 500 volumes of books
Now the collection has risen to over 66,483 and over 108 periodicals
The entire Library was computerized in 2000.
Bar Code Technology was introduced in 2003.
Library automation was introduced in 2012.
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Technology was introduced in 2017.
Classification & Cataloguing
All books in English language are classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification 18th edition. Tamil collection is classified according to Colon Classification 7th edition are arranged on the book shelves.
Scheme of cataloguing is AARC2 (Anglo American Cataloguing Rules)
Bibliographic formats are MARC-21 (Machine-Readable Catalogue 21st Century
Working Hours
On Working Days : 8.30 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.
During examination days : 8.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
During vacation : 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
✔ To provide the Vivekananda Gurukula community with access to rich and relevant information resources to support their research, teaching and learning activities.
✔ To be user friendly for Students Networking and Free Membership with reputed Libraries in India and Abroad.
Goals & Objectives
✔ To facilitate the student community for higher education.
✔ To facilitate the teaching staff for effective teaching and research.
✔ To facilitate the local community for competitive examination .
Layout of the Library
✔ Section I : Library Entrance, e-gate, students’ belongings counter, new arrival display, book return point, computers for OPAC and
catalogue for reference. 308 sq.ft.
✔ Section II : Newspaper reading, UPS and battery 440 sq.ft.
✔ Section III : Periodical section and Model Question papers (printed) 550 sq.ft.
✔ Section IV : Reprographic facility, Reference Section, e-library, Competitive exam corner 2480 sq.ft.
✔ Section V : Stack Room, Technical Section 2480 sq.ft.
✔ Section VI : Donated Books 1280 sq.ft.
✔ Section VII : Back volumes collection 1336 sq.ft.
✔ Section VIII : Store room and Rest room with Toilet. 310 sq.ft
Software Used
The Central Library was fully automated with LIPS i-Net 5.0 Version Integrated Library Management System in 2012 and Upgraded in LIPS i-Net 7.0 Version in 2018.
Remarkable Automated Services
✔ Reference Service.
✔ Current Awareness Service (CAS).
✔ Documentation Service.
✔ In our Madurai region, we are the first college who has been introduced RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Technology from 2017 onwards.
✔ OPAC- Online Public Access Catalogue facilities available .
✔ User Access INFLIBNET N-LIST (National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content) for Access of E-Resources through login password.
✔ Membership in the NDLI and DELNET e-resources.
✔ CCTV Camera.
Facilities Available
✔ Reprographic Machine.
✔ Barcode Printer.
✔ Barcode Scanner.
✔ Personal Computer with Internet.
✔ 5 KVA Inverter.
✔ 3 KVA UPS.
✔ Journal Display Rack.
✔ CD/DVD Display Rack.
✔ Laser Printer.
Course Offered
The library offers a Certificate Course in Library and Information Science (C.L.I.Sc.) under the umbrella of Certificate Course from June-2006.
Objectives of the Course:
1. To make the students understand the structure and functioning of the Library.
2. To impart a first hand knowledge to the students on the usage and maintenance of a Library.
3. To provide job opportunities to students as a Librarian / Library Assistant in Various libraries.
Retired Faculty
S.No | Name | Photo | Designation Date of Joining & Date of Retirement |
Mobile Number |
1 | Sri. S.Nellainayagam | ![]() |
(22-06-1973) – (31-05-2003) |
7598133663 |
About Library
- The college Central Library was established in 1973 with 500 volumes of books
- Now the collection has risen to over 68,346 and over 108 periodicals
- The entire Library was computerised in 2000
- Bar Code Technology was introduced in 2003
- Library automation was introduced 2012
- RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Technology was introduced in 2017.
Besides the Central Library, each department (except Tamil Dept.) has individual 10 department library have their specialised own collection with internet access.
Printed Books – Department wise (As on 31.05.2023)
Sl.No | Name of the Department | No of Books | Number of Journals/ Magazines Subscribed |
1 | Economics | 3777 | 3 |
2 | History | 2897 | 2 |
3 | Mathematics | 2880 | 1 |
4 | Physics | 4164 | 3 |
5 | Chemistry | 3323 | 3 |
6 | Botany | 2194 | 6 |
7 | Zoology | 4791 | 4 |
8 | Computer Science | 2184 | 1 |
9 | Commerce | 6315 | 9 |
10 | Commerce (CA) | 523 | 3 |
11 | English | 1786 | 1 |
12 | Tamil | 455 | 2 |
13 | Sanskrit | 290 | 1 |
14 | Naren IAS Academy | 376 | 2 |
15 | General Library | 35956 | 44 |
68777 |
85 |
Classification Scheme
- Dewey Decimal Classification -English Language books.
- Colon Classification for Tamil Language Books
Cataloguing Scheme
- AARC2 (Anglo American Cataloguing Rules)
Rules and Regulations |
Keep Silence.
Entry is permitted with ID card only. Scan your ID While entering and going out from the library. Members are requested not to bring their belongings inside the library. The borrowed Books should be returned on or before the due date. Overdue charges will be acceptable for books returned after the due date. Loss of books, if any, should be reported to the librarian immediately. If the borrower is unable to replace the lost books by another good copy, user has to pay Do not Misplace the Books. Do not tamper, tear, underline or mark in the books. |
Please click on the below links to view the Previous Year B.Com (Computer Applications) Question Papers
Odd Semester
Even Semester
End Semester Examinations Nov-2017
End Semester Examinations Nov-2018 End Semester Examinations Nov-2019 End Semester Examinations Nov-2020 |
End Semester Examinations April-2017
End Semester Examinations April-2018 End Semester Examinations April-2019 End Semester Examinations April-2020 |
Results of End Semester Examinations of Library and Information Science Details
Academic Year | Month and Year | No. students Appeared | No. students Passed | Percentage of Pass |
2017 | April-2017 | 35 | 34 | 97.14 % |
2017 | November-2017 | 50 | 46 | 92 % |
2018 | April-2018 | 45 | 41 | 91.11% |
2018 | November-2018 | 48 | 45 | 94 % |
2019 | April-2019 | 43 | 38 | 88.37% |
2019 | November-2019 | 43 | 38 | 88.37% |
2020 | April-2020 | 47 | 45 | 95.74% |
2020 | November-2020 | 46 | 45 | 97.82% |
2021 | April-2021 | 47 | 46 | 98 % |
2021 | November-2021 | 38 | 38 | 100 % |
2022 | April-2022 | 34 | 32 | 94.11% |
2022 | November-2022 | 29 | 27 | 93.10% |
Seminars / Workshops
✔ Organised a One Day National Conference on “Open Access, Open E-Resources and Institutional Repositories” on 26th October 2013.
✔ Organised a One Day Workshop on “Application of Computer in Libraries for Public Librarians and College Teachers” in collaboration with District Central Library, Madurai on 18th July 2014.
✔Organised a One Day Workshop on “Library Automation in Public Libraries for Public Librarians” in collaboration with District Central Library, Madurai on 22nd January 2016.
✔ Organised a One Day National Seminar on “Tools and Techniques for Academic Research (NSTTAR 2017) on 7th January 2017.
✔ The Central Library organised the “Library Literacy Programme for First Year students” on 5th July 2017.
The Central Library organized a “Awareness Programme on Open Source” in Collaboration with IIT, Mumbai on 23rd January 2018. Mr. Mohamed Kasim Khan, Training Co-ordinator, Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay NMEICT (National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology, MHRD Govt. of India spoke on the title “Open Source Spoken Tutorial”.
✔ The Central Library organised the “Library Literacy Programme for First Year students” on 10th July 2018.
Extension Activities:
✔ Organised a National/State Level Conference/Seminar/Workshop for Academic Library professionals/ Village Librarians in collaboration with Library Association.
MoU Signed:
✔ MoU Signed with IALA TN Chapter for Resource sharing.
✔ MoU Signed with Pandian Neduchezhian Corporation Higher Secondary School, Madurai for Library.
MoU with DELNET (Developing Library Network)
Innovation Practices:
✔ Introduced to improve the reading habits of the students.
✔ Compulsory Course under Part VI – Credits -2.
✔ Use of the Library resources every students at least once in 2 weeks is mandatory
✔ Students availed this Service from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm
✔ Student has to browse at least 25 books in year
✔ Submit two different assignments
Best Practices:
Self Study Scheme (SSS)
To improve the knowledge of the student, our Gurukulam has introduced a Self Study Scheme for all the students including Post Graduate students. For this scheme the library service has been extended to students between (6.30 & 8.00 pm) from 7th July 2003.
Under Self-study scheme a student is provided an opportunity per week to visit the library during night study hour. The purpose of this scheme is to inculcate reading habits among the students. A student has to browse at least 25 books in a year from various disciplines and collect important Quotations from them. He has to submit an assignment for about 5 pages in a discipline of his choice.
✔To improve knowledge of the student.
✔Services has been extended to students (6.30 to 8 pm).
✔ Student has to browse at least 25 books in a year.
✔Submit two assignments.
Open Educational Resources
✔ National Digital Library – Click Here
✔ SWAYAM Online Courses – Click Here
✔ National Knowledge Network – Click Here
✔ NPTEL – Click Here
✔ InfoPort – Click Here
✔ Talks to Teacher – Click Here
✔ A-VIEW – Click Here
✔ Virtual Labs – Click Here
✔ FOSSEE – Click Here
✔ Spoken Tutorial – Click Here
✔ e-Yantra – Click Here
✔ Oscar++https://// – Click Here
✔ E-Kalpa – Click Here
✔ NCERT Textbooks – Click Here
✔ Directory of Open Access Books – Click Here
Consultancy Services:
✔ The Central Library offer Consultancy work for Library Automation and provided professional advices to development of Libraries.
✔ For this purpose the Pandian Neduncheliyan Corporation Higher Secondary School Library, Madurai automated by our college students through Library Consultancy Service.
✔ Digitisation of our Founder Swami Chidbhavananda Maharaj Publications.
E- Entry And Return Counter Section
This section is located at the entrance of the library with 1500 sq. ft. The activities of this section are
Maintaining the property counter
Maintaining the entry and exit register.
Returning of Books
Reprography Section
This section located at the left side of the entrance. Here there is one modern Xerox machine installed for reprographic documents.
Reference Section
This section contains general references like Dictionaries, Encyclopedia, Directories, Gazetteers, Handbooks, Manuals etc., and Subject reference books and personality development books. The books are mainly meant for in-house academic reference. The reference section compiles and disseminates the current academic and research information.
Competitive Section Corner
It has 1237 books on Competitive, Civil Services, Tamil Nadu Public Service commission, Entrance Exams, Career development, Year books, Test of Reasoning and Aptitude book
Stack Section
In the stack room books are arranged according to Colon classification code. Each and every row has its name of the subject guide, title name and row guide also fixed in this room. We follow an open access system, the members can freely enter the stack room and choose their own books. This section has 55000 textual documents in various subjects.
Technical Section
This section is doing late technical work, like compilation of requirements from the departments, ordering of books, Accessing, Classification, Indexing and processing of books are the responsibilities of this unit. It also develops bibliographic databases of books and other resources. This section is located inside the stack room.
Periodical Section
This section is located at the first floor of the library with 3065 sq.ft. is fully occupied with Journals and periodicals. The library has subscribed 117 Journals and Magazines including 9 Internationals, all the journals and magazines are displayed on comparable display box and one year back issues are also available inside this box.
All the periodicals are arranged according to the subject order. This section has 168 seats.
Back Volume Section
This section is located at the left side of the periodical section (First Floor). It has twenty years back volume collection which is 1561 bounded back issues of the all the subject.