
Graphtophyllum pictum (L.) Griff.

Graptophyllum pictum, or the caricature plant, is a flowering, tropical evergreen shrub that is popular as foliage. This plant belongs to the family of Acanthaceae, which encapsulates hundreds of species. G. pictum is native to New Guinea but is also grown in all other countries of the world. It will grow to 6-9’ tall. Caricature plant is primarily grown for its variegated foliage. Oval to elliptic leaves (to 6” long) are deep green varyingly blotched with cream along the midveins. Terminal clusters (3-4” long) of red to purple-red tubular flowers with protruding stamens bloom in summer. Flowers often do not appear on container plants, particularly if stems are regularly pinched to promote new foliage growth.
1. https://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?taxonid=275275
2. https://housing.com/news/graptophyllum-pictum-how-to-grow-and-maintain-black-adulsa/